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Vaekke-Importance of Early Education

Importance of Early Education in Child’s Success & Vaekke’s Role in Supporting Parents!

| March 23 2022

Science finds that your child’s learning begins right from the moment they are born, and goes on well into adulthood. With the majority of the brain and neural development occurring within those fragile first few years of life, the lack of a proper foundation could cripple toddlers for a lifetime. Not just from an academic perspective but also from a social skills aspect.

Children who don’t get the proper preschool education find it difficult to relate with others. They fall behind in emotional intelligence and are less likely to perform better in elementary or primary school than those who’ve received the right foundation. So think of a preschool program as more of an investment in your child’s future and the key to helping them hit the ground running in school and life at large. You wouldn’t run a marathon without training. And that’s much the same way preschool warms up young minds for life’s journeys.

Importance of Early education in Child’s Success

  • 80% of a child’s brain development happens in the first 3 years
  • Kids’ experiences during these years shape the way they see the world
  • Improves social skills and self-confidence level
  • Enhances child’s social and emotional stability by 33% to 67%
  • Good vocabulary skills as they can learn 1000 words by age
  • Creates positive impacts on academic performance


Major Need for early education for toddlers

  • Head Start in emotional development & builds self-worth
  • 90% of children’s brain development occurs by the time they turn six.
  • Improves foundational skills for adulthood
  • 75% of all young children’s parents work and there’s a need for bonding time


Later-Life Impacts of early education on kids

More Likely to…

  • Graduate from high school
  • Become excellent junior high students
  • Lead a healthy adult lifestyle
  • Become more empathic and sharing
  • Earn 33% higher income average in adulthood

Less Likely to…

  • Adopt an introverted & stifling personality
  • 25% Less likely to drop out of high schools
  • 60% of those who miss out don’t make it to college
  • End up in crime or prison
  • 50% of early year education(EYFS) miss outs end up in special education programs
  • 44% less likely to repeat grades


Top ways Parents can help their kids learn at home

  • Creating a good learning environment
  • Fun-filled activities with home utilities
  • Real-world learning experiences
  • Closeness & Connection to make children feel free to learn
  • Helping them to understand what they need
  • Encouraging kids to schedule their space


All about Vaekke’s innovative preschool program

  • Vaekke’s breakthrough preschool program is the brainchild of St.Mark’s Education
  • A mainstream educational empowerment program for kids at home
  • Comprehensive guide to nurturing kids’ development with real-time activities
  • Helps in tackling gadget addiction by offering a device-free learning program


Vaekke’s Features for Parents & Preschoolers

  • Offers Froebel theory, real-world methodology, and Montessori pattern curriculum
  • Provides daily activity sheet with 4 to 5 fun-filled activities for kids
  • Emotional quotient – EQ centric approach to improve parent-child bonding
  • A goody box with essential stationeries for activities
  • A competition certificate for kids to help with their admission process
  • Continuous fun-filled assessment to analyze kids’ progress


Aid your kid to experience, explore & discover the joy of learning by enrolling in Vaekke!

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